The Tomboy
Before 12 months old... I wasn't the type anyone expected to join a monastery. Wearing converse sneakers and a ball cap way before it was customary for girls, I was born an easy-going child. Mom says I climbed out of my crib before I could walk. Yes, I was a climber, scaling furniture, cupboards, and when old enough, trees and once the barn roof. Climbing felt like freedom to me, mounting heights, swinging from limb to limb, beckoning me to reach higher. I didn't know fear then, only the rush of adrenaline driving me upward. I looked up to what was possible. And somehow, I believed all things were possible. My soul was made of music long before I knew the word soul or music. It had power over me, the ability to lift my spirit up and away, beyond reality into the world of thoughts and feelings. It affected me like no person or thing had ever done. I became entranced by music from the youngest age, toddling my way to the piano keys trying to repeat tunes I'd heard, drawing Mo...