The Value of Reality

It seems sometimes as though we live in an unreal world, where reality is not prized, where the white elephant in the room is so tolerated it would seem life is a delusion. I wonder at times why we find truth so hard to accept. Are we so unsure of ourselves that anything remotely critical threatens us? Is appearances so important that we don't authenticity? Are we so accustomed to pretense that we don't even see it anymore?

I get it. I felt so criticized during my time as a monastic that when I left, any criticism I received opened deep wounds. I am still sensitive, though I have grown a lot in that area. For me, it's a matter of stepping back to see the bigger picture and not taking criticism personally.

I also find that those who fear to know the truth about themselves often have poor self-esteem. I notice clients with poor self-esteem don't do well with suggestions of checking their impressions or judgements about what others are saying or doing. It is as though asking them to learn how to reframe is discrediting their perceptions instead of helping them see their hyper vigilance. 

So how can we change this fear? Mostly, through healing. I learned to heal through self-acceptance, through receiving the love of my husband, and through reflection.

What are you doing to help healing?


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