What is Your Fine Line?
It's a lovely day, with clouds buffering the hot sun and birds foraging among our bushes and flower beds. As I relax under the gazebo, thoughts come to mind.
I'm thinking about how long it takes to heal. It was not enough to process my past. I also had to unlearn so many things - how to accept my wounded self -how to speak kindly to myself - how to recognize when an incident was taking me back to a painful memory and work to re-interpret it because the person before me is not the abuser from my past.
What I'm thinking about today is the "fine line". There is such a fine line when learning about self and relationships with others. I think that is why wise sayings, despite being inspiring, sometimes annoy me. It's as though we can learn the lessons in life through one sentence. I wish it were that easy. But it isn't.
As I work to grow and learn, I see that there is a fine line in so many things. A fine line between standing up for myself and speaking my mind, because it can easily become abusive to another. A fine line in accepting a person for who they are because it can also allow them to abuse me. A fine line between confidence that can become resistant to helpful criticism. A fine line between faith that can become passivity.
This is my journey, finding the new opportunity each day brings to learn, to be enlightened, or just to accept.
Have you learned your fine line? Where is it blurred? Where do you struggle? Are you even aware of it?
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